la boutique aricomagic

The Aricomagic shop

The aricomagic shop

Each booh holder samoussin© bears the name of a great author of literature. Today, we have imagined 15 combinations available in the shop.

ARICOMAGIC also offers the creation of customized samoussins with your fabrics or embroideries. Don’t hesitate to tell us about your project!

Offer a samoussin bookholder

“What is the probability of finding Agatha Christie and Balzac in the same bed?

On the face of it, none…

We, of course, find them all beautiful, but which one do you prefer?

Showing 16–17 of 17 results

Discover the samoussin book support in videos

Practical samoussin reading cushions to brighten up your home and your everyday life.

Play Video about test vidéo porte livre samoussin le coussin de lecture support de livre