
The Benefits of Reading: A Precious Ally for Your Well-being

Les bienfaits de la lecture sur votre bien-être sont prouvés : antistress naturel, créativité, sommeil amélioré. Une pause essentielle avec le coussin porte livre samoussin aricomagic - Proven benefits of reading

Discover the Essential Benefits of Daily Reading

The benefits of reading on our mental and physical health have been scientifically proven for several years, yet we often neglect them. According to the University of Sussex study, conducted in 2009 by Dr. David Lewis, reading for just six minutes can reduce stress levels by 68%.

Like everyone else, the period leading up to the holidays is exceptionally busy. Between packages, creative work that always occupies part of our mind, and the less exciting accounting tasks, we need to fit in family moments, small gifts, cooking, and home decoration (my favorite).

In this frantic race, our reading moments often get pushed to the back burner, like a guilty pleasure we’ll allow ourselves “when we have time.” What if it was the other way around? What if these reading moments were the key to a more balanced daily life?

A Saving Break in Our Perpetual Rush

More than just a hobby, reading could well be our best ally in navigating these intense periods. It offers us a unique breathing space, a suspended moment where time returns to its natural rhythm.

At Aricomagic, we’re convinced that the benefits of reading go far beyond mere pastime. It’s a true well-being ritual, a practice that nourishes both mind and soul, as numerous scientific studies attest. That’s why we created the Samoussin book holder as a companion for these precious moments, an object that invites you to take these essential breaks to fully enjoy the virtues of reading.

The Unexpected Virtues of Reading

La lecture comme un plaisir coupable qu'on s'autorisera "quand on aura le temps".
Et si c'était justement l'inverse ? Si ces instants de lecture étaient la clé d'un quotidien plus équilibré ?

Les bienfaits de la lecture : Femme installée dans fauteuil togo avec chat noir lit sur un porte livre samoussin Aricomagic

Reading is that motionless journey that transports us far from our daily worries while deeply anchoring us in our well-being.”

Science continues to confirm it: regular reading positively influences our mental and physical health.

Like those comforting reader’s herbal teas that accompany our winter readings, each turned page invites us to slow down, to reconnect with what’s essential. Beyond mere entertainment, it acts as a true balm for our daily balance, a gateway to global well-being that manifests in multiple ways.

A Proven Natural Stress Relief

Imagine yourself immersed in the pages of a Pagnol novel, where the rustle of leaves in the oak trees mingles with the song of sparrows, where the scent of Provençal hills after a storm gently envelops you.

Reading has this unique power to soothe our mind. Our breathing naturally slows down, our muscles relax, and daily agitation gradually fades away. It’s equivalent to a mini meditation session, but with the bonus of complete mental escape.

Contemplative novels like “The Elegance of the Hedgehog” by Muriel Barbery particularly invite us to this restorative pause, like a moment suspended in time. If you haven’t read it yet, I absolutely recommend “Standing in the River Waving a Stick” by John Gierach. It’s the kind of book you constantly want to take notes from.

A Boost for Our Daily Creativity

By immersing ourselves in different universes, whether it’s J.R.R Tolkien’s fantastic worlds or Umberto Eco‘s complex intrigues, reading uniquely stimulates our imagination.

Didn’t Victor Hugo write in l’Argot, “To read is to eat and drink. The mind that doesn’t read withers like the body that doesn’t eat”?

Great creatives, from Salvador Dalí to David Bowie, have often cited reading as their main source of inspiration. This mental gymnastics develops our ability to find innovative solutions in our daily life.

The Benefits of Reading That Radiate Through Our Daily Lives

Naturally More Restorative Sleep

If the evening reading ritual is anchored in our culture, it’s not by chance. Unlike screens that disrupt our melatonin production, the sleep hormone, a good book gently prepares us for the night.

Marcel Proust compared reading to “a silent friendship,” particularly conducive to rest. Colette’s short stories, like those in “La Maison de Claudine,” with their tender evocations of daily life and childhood memories, are particularly suited to these evening readings, creating that perfect transition between the day’s agitation and night’s calm.

Deeply Enhanced Empathy

“A book is a window through which one escapes,” said academician Julien Green.

By making us live a thousand lives through characters, reading develops our emotional intelligence. Novels like “Reunion” by Fred Uhlman or “Small Country” by Gaël Faye allow us to understand realities different from our own, enriching our worldview and our ability to connect with others.

Remarkably Enhanced Memory

Reading is a true exercise for our brain, comparable to a workout session for the mind. Regular readers of detective novels, like “The Last Poppy” by Florence Herrlemann, which we’ve already discussed in the review, and of course those by Agatha Christie, naturally develop their deduction and memorization abilities.

Neuroscience has shown that reading complex novels particularly stimulates our neural connections, creating genuine neuron networks dedicated to narrative comprehension.

  At aricomagic,we deeply believe that these reading moments are precious investments in our well-being. In our hyperconnected world, they become essential parentheses, moments where we take care of ourselves while nourishing our minds. So tonight, why not give yourself this gift? Make yourself comfortable, open a book, and let the magic happen.