The aricomagic shop

Each booh holder samoussin© bears the name of a great author of literature. Today, we have imagined 15 combinations available in the shop.

ARICOMAGIC also offers the creation of customized samoussins with your fabrics or embroideries. Don’t hesitate to tell us about your project!

Offer a samoussin bookholder

“What is the probability of finding Agatha Christie and Balzac in the same bed?

On the face of it, none…

We, of course, find them all beautiful, but which one do you prefer?

Showing 1–15 of 16 results

  • Porte-livre support de livre coussin de lecture samoussin Brontë

    Brontë’s samoussin

    Bontë’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a triangle in velvet with an antique flower motif and a base in light brown upholstery.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    125,00 Add to basket
  • Coussin de lecture Samoussin Balzac porte livre support de livre ou tablette

    Balzac’s samoussin

    Balzac’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a triangle in camel curls and a base in Napoleon green upholstery.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    110,00 Add to basket
  • Samoussin Dumas porte livre support de livre ou tablette

    Dumas’s samoussin

    Dumas’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a triangle in houndstooth velvet and a base in old rose corduroy.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    110,00 Add to basket
  • Coussin de lecture Samoussin Balzac porte livre support de livre ou tablette

    Hugo’s samoussin

    Hugo’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a triangle in houndstooth velvet and a camel curls base.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    110,00 Add to basket
  • Coussin de lecture Samoussin Balzac porte livre support de livre ou tablette

    Duras’s samoussin

    Duras’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a a triangle in velvet with old flowers and a base in deep brown mottled upholstery.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    125,00 Add to basket
  • Coussin de lecture Samoussin Sagan porte livre support de livre ou tablette

    Sagan’s samoussin

    Sagan’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a triangle with camel curls and a base in light brown mottled velvet fabric.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    110,00 Add to basket
  • Coussin de lecture Samoussin Rimbaud porte livre support de livre ou tablette

    Rimbaud’s samoussin

    Rimbaud’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a triangle in camel curls and a base in deep brown velvet mottled fabric.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    110,00 Add to basket
  • Samoussin Wilde porte livre support de livre ou tablette

    Wilde’s samoussin

    Wilde’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a triangle in houndstooth velvet and a base in Napoleon green upholstery.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    110,00 Add to basket
  • Coussin de lecture Samoussin Nin porte livre support de livre ou tablette

    Nin’s samoussin

    Nin’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a triangle in velvet with antique flowers and a fabric base with a camel curl base.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    125,00 Add to basket
  • Coussin de lecture Samoussin Sand porte livre support de livre ou tablette

    Sand’s samoussin

    Sand’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a triangle in antique flower velvet and a base in pink corduroy fabric.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    125,00 Add to basket
  • Coussin de lecture Samoussin Christie porte livre support de livre ou tablette

    Christie’s samoussin

    Christie’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a triangle in camel curls and a base in old rose corduroy.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    110,00 Add to basket
  • Coussin de lecture Samoussin Flaubert porte livre support de livre ou tablette

    Flaubert’s samoussin

    Flaubert’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It consists of a triangle in houndstooth velvet and a base in deep brown mottled velvet.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    125,00 Add to basket
  • Coussin Porte-livre Samoussin Voltaire coussin de lecture support de livre ou tablette - boohholder

    Voltaire’s samoussin

    Voltaire’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a triangle in houndstooth velvet and a base in light brown mottled velvet.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    110,00 Add to basket
  • Coussin de lecture Samoussin la Fayette porte livre support de livre ou tablette

    De La Fayette’s Samoussin

    De La Fayette’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a triangle in antique flower velvet and a base in Napoleon green upholstery fabric.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    125,00 Add to basket
  • Coussin porte livre Samoussin Colette coussin de lecture support de livre ou tablette

    Colette’s Samoussin

    Colette’s samoussin is a reading cushion entirely designed and made in France. It is composed of a triangle and a base in camel curls.

    The oak ruler keeps the pages of your book open. Thanks to the elastic band, you can easily turn the pages.


    Dimensions : W 70 cm – H 39 cm – D24cm

    Fully removable covers, sold with inner cushions

    110,00 Add to basket

Discover the samoussin book support in videos

Practical samoussin reading cushions to brighten up your home and your everyday life.

Play Video about test vidéo porte livre samoussin le coussin de lecture support de livre